Events Calendar
Our booking system enables you to book our activities online.
Find the date you want to attend or filter the activity. Click on the event and book your session or course.
If you can't find what you want, it might be because we need a specific volunteer instructor or only have equipment for so many, but get in touch and we'll organise volunteers or provide recommendations to meet your needs.
Click to select a category:
- After School Club
- Birthday Party
- Camping
- Canoeing
- Clubs
- Corporate Event
- Courses Paddlesports
- Courses Powerboat
- Courses Sailing
- Courses SUP
- Dragon Boating
- Easter Holidays
- First Aid Course
- Holiday Camp
- Holiday Events
- Individual and Family Events
- Katakanuing
- Kayaking
- May Half-Term
- Mega-SUPs
- October Half-Term
- Open Hire Sessions
- Powerboating
- Sailing
- Summer Holidays
- SUP Football
- SUP Yoga
- Taster Session
- Traditional Rafting
- Wobble Boarding